How an Arizona Wedding Planner Can Save You Money

Wedding budgets are always a big concern as you start planning your big day. As soon as you start thinking of any element you want to include, you might also be thinking about how much it’s going to cost. It’s easy for a wedding budget to begin to spin out of control. One addition to your wedding planning can hep with this, though — an experienced Arizona wedding planner.


Too many couples think that by doing all the planning themselves, they’ll be able to cut costs. They think that without hiring a wedding planner, they’ll instantly save a load of money.

Unfortunately, this often isn’t the case. A wedding planner can help you get better prices on many of the elements in your wedding, which will save you money. A wedding planner can also help keep you focused, which will save you a lot of money.

The services of an Arizona wedding planner can be more valuable than just these types of monetary savings, of course. We help couples create the wedding of their dreams within their budget. To find out how we can help plan your Phoenix wedding, get in touch today!

How To Enjoy Your Wedding Day

It’s something too many brides take for granted — that they’ll be able to sit back and enjoy the hard work they put into planning their wedding day. Unfortunately, lots of brides find that they’re still working on their wedding all the way to the end of the day. It’s important to enjoy your wedding day; here’s how to do it.


Work with a professional. Having a wedding planner on hand on the day of your wedding can take the pressure off of you. Instead of every question going to you, have them go to a designated person whose job it is to answer them.

Insist you don’t work that day. When you plan elements of your wedding, don’t allow yourself to slip into a “little bit here” mode. Before you know it, you’ll have put off a little bit here and a little bit there and a little more in that place, whether it’s paying vendors, accepting deliveries, or any logistics. This can take up a lot of time on a very special day!

Planning a wedding — and managing a wedding day — can be a big task. If you want help with your Phoenix wedding day, give us a call to find out how we can help!

How Can the Mother of the Bride Help With Planning?

Happy Mother’s Day! In honor of the day, we’re taking a look at the important roles moms play in wedding planning. The mother of the bride is often a key part of the bridal party, and can offer support, advice, and general help to the bride.

Mother of the Bride

If you’re the mother of the bride, it’s important to bring your experience to the table without being pushy. This is your daughter’s big day, and she’ll want it to reflect her own tastes, which you’ve probably influenced over the years.

The best way to approach the situation is to make a general offer of assistance, or offer to take on a particular part of the planning. Let your daughter be in charge, though.

The biggest role the mother of the bride plays in wedding planning is giving her emotional support and love, just as you’ve been doing your daughter’s whole life.

If you’re planning a wedding in Arizona, or your daughter is, get in touch to see how we can help!